Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 38: Picture Day

We had TWO picture days this week--Isabel's first ever for school and a quick jaunt up the canyon with the family for family pictures. (And, yes, those of you receiving Christmas cards this year will be getting more of these. Don't complain. Just think of this as a preview. ;D ) Don't you just LOVE Autumn colors!?

(Couldn't resist Abram's "smile" for the camera in this one...)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 37: Autumn!

In celebration of the first day of Fall this week, Asher and I made a "pumpkin"! (Okay, it's a rice krispie treat with some food coloring. But, whatev.)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 36: In"spire"d

Odd how little moments of inspiration can come from nature's simplest complexity (like water) to create gorgeous, living sculpture; or from the sparkling, dense granite from the surrounding heights to create places of worship. I think more interesting, however, is that our sources of inspiration so often stem from God, and yet inspire us to turn around and honor Him with our creations.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 35: Birthday!!!

That was (roughly) the answer I got, when I asked Abram how he was doing today. :) So, to get right to the point, here's what we did for the "Birthday!!!" this week!

And I'm still sorta wondering how Isabel managed to get the little guy in focus for this next really cool shot...