Saturday, December 31, 2011

Marie and Ian

Remember Annie and Eric? Well, Annie's cute younger sister is getting married, too! Thought I'd share a couple of my favorite shots from their engagement shoot.

And the ever-classic "Beards are the new black" shot...

Week 48: Sculpting

On the 12th, the kids and I went to Thanksgiving Point to see a sculptor create a reindeer out of ice. Our favorite part was watching him attach the antlers (which were sculpted out of a separate piece of ice). He ironed both surfaces and then held the antlers in place, allowing them to freeze to the surface of the reindeer's head. So cool! (Ha. Ha.)

Week 47: Teeeeeeeth!

Week 46: Ballet as a Sport

At school, Isabel was supposed to dress up in sport's attire. And, this is what she came up with. Ballet is a sport, right? Right? (Incidentally, don't you just LOVE those leg-warmers her Aunt Sarah made her!? So cute!)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Week 45: Reception

Took these to show off the gorgeous decorating and venue for my friend Emily's wedding reception.